Saturday, October 10, 2009

SFAS Search-In Circle 7

Last September 25-27, 2009, SFAS held another Search-In retreat to the remaining 3rd year students. A special thanks to the following who helped in making the retreat possible thru their financial assistance and prayers: Tito Uichico (La Salle Greenhills Search-Inner) and the Tapulanga Foundation.

Its purpose was to learn more about self, fellow retreatants (who are their classmates) and God; develop better relationship with peers, God and parents; and to learn skills in dealing with life's situations.

I really liked the part that made us develop our relationship with our peers. (Philip Deogracias, Big Brother of Circle 7)

I liked the activities that mades us know our positive and negative attitudes toward our schoolmates. (Donna Zaragosa)

I liked the activities that made us feel closer to God. (Lloyd Navarette)

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