The Seniors of SFAS welcomed the first year students to the high school family by organizing the first-ever Initiation Week last July 7 – 11, 2008. It culminated with a Freshmen Night where the 1st year students presented a show and a dance followed where all the high school students were able to bond with each other. (Do check out the photo gallery of www.sfas.tapulanga.org for more pictures.)
My classmate, Edcil Buensuceso, and I were the host of the show. We really enjoyed it and we now feel very welcomed to the high school family! by Joahanna Ganza, 1st year student
A remarkable and unforgettable event had taken place in SFAS last July 7 - 11, 2008. For a whole week, we, the Seniors, were given the opportunity AND responsibility to initiate or "welcome" the Freshmen in high school. by JAM Calabon, 4th year student