Thursday, November 19, 2015

SFAS Joins the LASSO Conference

The LaSallian Schools Supervision Office (LASSO) Conference was held at La Salle Greenhills last October 26-27. We were sent to represent the school together with faculty member Ms. Lina Gabino and office staff Ms. Marion Malunes, both of whom attended the School Heads' Conference.  The 5 of us, namely, Danica Da-anoy, Danilo Villanueva, Oliver Boiser, Angelo De Los Santos and myself, Marlyn Bernasol, attended the LASSO Academic and Cultural Meet. This meeting allowed us to get acquainted with other students from La Salle supervised schools in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. We were able to share our knowledge, talents and skills. 
Oliver and I joined the Academic Meet wherein we were grouped with another pair and we answered three-levels of difficulty questions (easy, average and difficult). We were not able to get to the winning stage but we enjoyed it because we got to compete with other students.  We shared our talent in the afternoon during the Cultural show. We performed acapella and pop dance. We enjoyed and did our best to perform as this was not a competition but simply to entertain our fellow students.
We really enjoyed our stay in Manila. The experience helped improved my confidence and exposed me to social activities with my classmates.  And before we headed home, we were treated to a tour in Manila Ocean Park!

written by: Marlyn Bernasol, Grade 10

For more photos, please click here

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