Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Faculty Development on UbD and DI

Every month, SFAS teachers always have a faculty development for them to enhance and improve their teaching skills. The last for the school year was held on February 23, 2010 in SFAS school and was facilitated by Sir JR Abello. He introduced to the faculty the difference between Understanding by Design(UbD) and the Differentiated Instruction (DI). He echoed what he learned during the 3-day seminar he attended in Cebu two weeks earlier.

"I learned about reading skills that need to be taught." (Mrs. Leda Ibugan)

"I learned how to make a lesson plan using UbD and DI." (Sir Ariel Gabino)

"I learned about DI - Differentiated instruction - where teachers give the slow learners in class a chance to participate actively in their own capacity." (Ms. Melit Gustilo)

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