Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's Initiation Week!

The first event experienced by the first year students of SFAS was the Initiation Week, a remarkable ritual ceremony introducing them to high school life. It was initiated by the fourth year students last July 6-10, 2009.

I learned how to be friendly with the Seniors, passed all the given tasks and I realized that I’m not anymore a grade school pupil. (Jean Bernadette Mate, 1st year student)

I learned how to save money, respect our manong’s and manang’s and followed the given tasks like using sack instead of bags. (Anthony Capablanca, 1st year student)

I enjoyed the Freshmen Night especially when we wore our superhero attire. It was an unforgettable experience for me! (Denmark Serrano, 1st year student)

"Budol Fight: thirty-nine first year students ate lunch with bare hands on huge banana leaves set on the table" (Micho Santillan, 4th year student)

Having bonded with our younger brothers and sisters during the Initiation Week is one thing I would never forget. (Jeremy Deogracias, 4th year student)

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