Monday, July 17, 2017

Welcome to New School Year Franciscans!

School year 2017 - 2018 started for all Franciscans last June 28, 2017.  Students, old and new, welcomed each other with a warm smile. Ms. Rose Iglesia led the flag ceremony then Ms. Lina Gabiño, the new school principal, introduced the faculty and staff. 

The SFAS Scouts were recognized as the ambassadors of courtesy and discipline.
They will also be in-charge of flag raising every day and flag retreat every Friday. 
Franciscans were excited to meet their new adviser, “classmates and soon-to-be friends” as they went to their respective classroom. For the first three days, it was all about orienting the school’s mission-vision, core values, grading system and rules.

Grace Coja, Grade 7 student and a Tapulanga scholar for 8 years
I am happy that I’m back. A lot of thanks to Tapulanga Foundation. 
I’m at the next step achieving my goal, finishing junior high school level here at SFAS.

Earl John Zues Alvarez, Grade 7 new student
I am excited but shy. Franciscans are friendly. it’s easy to fit in. I like it here. 

Mrs. May Cordero, Guidance Office In-Charge
I feel excited. It was challenging orienting students about the role of the guidance office and my role, however, I feel fulfilled, knowing I made it clear to pupils and students, that the guidance office is the place for them to ask help, for explanation, for deeper understanding.

Mrs. Lina Gabino, School Principal
I am challenged. I’m on the process of accepting my new role. The principal’s job is hard, however, the faculty and staff made it all easy. The team’s work ethics are on the highest level. What I really like is, we all start the day with a smile and we put God first and understand his words, reflect on it. As the new principal, I want to bring back some rules we had before, implement it now.

View photos from the links below:

First Day of School at SFAS
First Flag Ceremony for SY2017-2018

SFAS Kicks Off Nutrition Month this July

SFAS celebrates Nutrition Month this July with the theme: “Healthy Diet, Gawing Habit – for Life!” To start off with the celebration, teachers Ms. Catrina Deriada gave the opening remarks then Sir Romnick Sadio led the Zumba Dance exercise to get every Franciscan to their feet  and sweat out the fun in dancing. 

On the same day, Mr. Christopher Bactong, faculty and Scout Master and Ms. Marisa Guadalupe, school nurse, participated in the National Disaster Resilience Month-First Aid Training held at Civic Center in Silay City with the theme “4Ks: Kamalayan sa Kahandaan, Katumbas ay Kaligtasan.”