Thursday, August 17, 2017

SFAS First Parents' General Assembly for SY2017-2018

Last July 22, 2017, at the SFAS covered court, the first Parents General Assembly was held. SFAS Administrators led by Mrs. Lina Gabino, school principal, and Mrs. Micmic Golez, school administrator, presented the new set of rules, grading system, after-school activities and other important updates to parents. Parents Council Association (PCA) president last school year, Mrs. Florenda Buenaflor, led the opening prayer and facilitated the vote on the yearly PCA fee.  Mrs. Analisa Gulmatico, a PCA officer, presented the financial report for the last school year.

View more photos here. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

SFAS Scouts' Institutional Backyard Camping

SFAS Scouts (Rover Scouts, Senior Scouts and Boy Scouts) held their Institutional Backyard Camping at Hacienda Tinihaban 1, Sitio Takas, Silay City last July 14 – 16, 2017. Different activities were done such as the physical strengthening training, Bivouac drills, team building games and spiritual enrichment.

Before the day was over, all Rover Scouts had a meeting, ticking our checklist to make sure we had everything we needed for the next day. It was a challenge to be a Rover leader. by Angel Dimanalata, Radiant Leader

We prepared different activities for the students especially conducting leadership training and workshops to develop the leader in them.  The rainy weather was a challenge for all. The rain tested their skills, especially when some scouts’ tents were flooded and they didn't know what to do. Everyone had fun helping each other. The scouts learn by experience so they know what to do next time. by Sir Romnick Sadio, SFAS Troop Leader/ Assistant Scout Coordinator

View more photos here. 

Saturday, August 5, 2017

The 1st Children's Mass and Catechism Talk to Parents for SY 2017-2018

Franciscans celebrated the Mass of the Holy Spirit last July 12, 2017, with the new Spiritual Director, Reverend Father Geofrey Flores, held at the SFAS covered court. Father Flores shared during the homily how important it was to receive the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the school year for the Holy Spirit brings wisdom, strength and guidance to all. 

After the Mass, the parents attended the first of the monthly Catechism of the Catholic Church talks of Father Flores. This is one of the programs of the school's Campus Ministry.  Father Flores shared to the parents the meaning and purpose of every part of the Holy Eucharist.

For more photos, please click on the links below: 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

SFAS Final Honors' Assembly for SY 2016-2017

Last July 12, 2017, SFAS held its Honors' Assembly at the covered court and awarded certificates and medals to students for their exemplary performance in academics, behavior and character for the 4th quarter and finals for school year 2016-2017. After which, deserving faculty and staff were also given a recognition for exemplary performance, dedication and hard work for the last school year.

Faculty and Staff Awardees

Teacher of the Year - Zerlim Montillano
Well-Groomed - Catrina Deriada
Most Cooperative - Romnick Sadio
Most Industrious - Ma. Elena Coja
Best Homeroom Adviser - Ma. Elena Coja
Best Subject Teacher - Zerlim Montillano
Best Facilitator - Lloyd Navarette
Best in LAS - Zerlim Montillano
Mr. Congeniality - Lloyd Navarette
Ms. Congeniality - Catrina Deriada
Most Improved - Jose Gabriel Madayag
Best in Penmanship - Louren Purisima
Staff of the Year - April Joy Suating
Well-Groomed - Edna Taganile
Most Cooperative - May Santillan
Most Industrious - April Joy Suating
Mr. Congeniality - Regnor Navigar
Ms. Congeniality - Marissa Guadalupe
Most Improved - April Joy Suating

Yes, I felt overjoyed that I nearly cried. I was fulfilled of what I have achieved. I will do my best to get the highest honors this new school year. by Jan Faith Daral, Grade 8

I don’t like the spotlight; however receiving the Best Teacher Award was a compliment. I am inspired by Sir J.R. Abello, striving for excellence and not settling for less. One of my goals is to be competent, not with others, but myself. I believe in Colossians 3: 23 that “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
I do what is right and just. I’m always aiming for excellence, I’m not settling for less. 
by Sir Zerlim Montillano

For more photos, click links below: 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Welcome to New School Year Franciscans!

School year 2017 - 2018 started for all Franciscans last June 28, 2017.  Students, old and new, welcomed each other with a warm smile. Ms. Rose Iglesia led the flag ceremony then Ms. Lina Gabiño, the new school principal, introduced the faculty and staff. 

The SFAS Scouts were recognized as the ambassadors of courtesy and discipline.
They will also be in-charge of flag raising every day and flag retreat every Friday. 
Franciscans were excited to meet their new adviser, “classmates and soon-to-be friends” as they went to their respective classroom. For the first three days, it was all about orienting the school’s mission-vision, core values, grading system and rules.

Grace Coja, Grade 7 student and a Tapulanga scholar for 8 years
I am happy that I’m back. A lot of thanks to Tapulanga Foundation. 
I’m at the next step achieving my goal, finishing junior high school level here at SFAS.

Earl John Zues Alvarez, Grade 7 new student
I am excited but shy. Franciscans are friendly. it’s easy to fit in. I like it here. 

Mrs. May Cordero, Guidance Office In-Charge
I feel excited. It was challenging orienting students about the role of the guidance office and my role, however, I feel fulfilled, knowing I made it clear to pupils and students, that the guidance office is the place for them to ask help, for explanation, for deeper understanding.

Mrs. Lina Gabino, School Principal
I am challenged. I’m on the process of accepting my new role. The principal’s job is hard, however, the faculty and staff made it all easy. The team’s work ethics are on the highest level. What I really like is, we all start the day with a smile and we put God first and understand his words, reflect on it. As the new principal, I want to bring back some rules we had before, implement it now.

View photos from the links below:

First Day of School at SFAS
First Flag Ceremony for SY2017-2018

SFAS Kicks Off Nutrition Month this July

SFAS celebrates Nutrition Month this July with the theme: “Healthy Diet, Gawing Habit – for Life!” To start off with the celebration, teachers Ms. Catrina Deriada gave the opening remarks then Sir Romnick Sadio led the Zumba Dance exercise to get every Franciscan to their feet  and sweat out the fun in dancing. 

On the same day, Mr. Christopher Bactong, faculty and Scout Master and Ms. Marisa Guadalupe, school nurse, participated in the National Disaster Resilience Month-First Aid Training held at Civic Center in Silay City with the theme “4Ks: Kamalayan sa Kahandaan, Katumbas ay Kaligtasan.”

Saturday, March 4, 2017

SFAS Joins the Boys and Girls Week of Rotary Club of Silay City

The Rotary Club of Silay City held its Boys and Girls Week last November 14-20,2016.  It was a one week celebration participated by students from different schools in Silay City.  Saint Francis of Assisi School participants were Claire Tarrosa who acted as 7th City Councilor, Steve Louise Rotelo,  as 8th City Councilor, Spencer Umali, as City Health Officer, and Shiela Filipinas who was assigned in City IT Department. For these chosen Grade 10 students, it was a good opportunity to be able to meet other students from other schools and city officials especially the Mayor and Vice Mayor. 

The Boys and Girls Week indeed was a blast. I had endless learning and experiences. If I had a chance I would do it again. by Steve Rotelo

It was a good opportunity being one of the city officers for a week. Serving other people was a great experience and it will be a good memory for me that will last forever. by Spencer Umali

The Boys and Girls Week gave us the courage and confidence to do our job as we did the duties of a city officer. It was a memorable experience and I'm glad that I was part of it. by Sheila Mae Filipinas

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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

SFAS Guidance Counselor Attends NOPSSCEA Seminar-Workshop on Educational Assessment

It was a privilege to be part of the NOPSSCEA seminar entitled "The Roles and Relevance of Educational Assessment: Coping with the Demands of The K-12 Curriculum" held last February 10, 2017 at O' Hotel, Bacolod City.

Educational assessment helps students recognize their strengths and guide them when they choose college courses and future career.

Miss Lark Iris H. Dizer, Head of Professional Development Services of Center for Educational Measurement was the innovative speaker.

Mrs. May Cordero (in front) with teachers from the School of Nazareth and St. Carmen Salles School

Written by Mrs. May G. Cordero, SFAS Guidance Counselor for SY2017-2018

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Advent Recollection 2016

Last November 26, the faculty and staff of St. Francis of Assisi School of Silay City and Tapulanga Foundation attended the Advent Recollection held at Nature's Village Resort in Talisay City.

The facilitators from Brgy. Tanza Chaplaincy, Brother Marvin Labasan, Ms. Miriam Canal and Ms. Melende Castro prepared an activity which allowed each one to participate and have fun. The recollection ended with the Holy Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Salvador Barcelona.

Click here for more photos.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

SFAS Scouts joins the Silay Division Encampment

Elements of Rovers and senior Scouts of St. Francis of Assisi School attended the Joint BSP/GSP Division Encampment held at Soreta, Patag, Silay City last November  18 to 20, 2016. The annual event is on its fifth this year and is being hosted yearly by the BSP/GSP contingents of DepEd Division of Silay. 

Special mention was given to SFAS during the opening program and parade night for being the only school in Silay who carries the program of Rover Scouts.  Dr. Neri Anne M. Alibuyog, CESO V was present during the opening night together with other division supervisors of DepeD Silay.

SFAS and STA are the only two private schools who attended the event forming the contingent of scouts coming from private school. Franciscan scouts participated well with the events during the second and third day in Emergency Preparedness, Knot Tying, Song and Yells (during campfire ceremony) and Laro ng Lahi. Roverette Rosewen Dada and Angel Rose Dimanalata joined the knot tying competition on the second day. It was the first for SFAS Rovers to perform such competition in front of the Eagle Scouts and Wood Badge holders of Silay Scout leaders. Rover Leader Francine Busel lead the preparations and performance of song and yell presentation during the campfire ceremony.

All in all, SFAS scouts experienced first-hand how challenging and fun life in outdoor situations are. The spirit of friendship relearned as they work hand-in-hand with STA scouts in building the camp gate. Though learning in slow pace, Franciscan scouts learned the basic tools of the trade, the importance of character building through team work and camaraderie, and the realization that getting things done requires discipline and effort.

Written by:
Christopher Bactong
ISC Coordinator/Outfit Adviser
Circle Manager, SFAS Scouting

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Grade 8 Recollection 2016

Last September 21 and 28, 2016, the Grade 8 A and B, respectively, attended a one-day recollection at the Sacred Heart Seminary in Bacolod City with Fr. Christian Roy Gesolgon and seminarian Marvin Labasan as facilitators.

Grade 8A with seminarian Marvin Labasan

Grade 8A

"The recollection was good. My relationship with God deepened through the activities we did like the game where we look for an object that best represents us; it's an activity making you realize who you really are." by Danielle Tarrosa

Grade 8B

"In our recollection, I felt grateful that we have Jesus as our Savior. We had a bible sharing, we prayed and we sang. I've been closer to Him through prayer because in praying I can communicate with Him. And I worship Him through reading the bible and attending mass. And through it, I can learn more about my faith and it will be strengthened". by Charlize Bactong

"Our recollection is unforgettable. It was very fun and I learned many things like loving my family, deepening my relationship with God and so much more. I learned that if  I want to deepen my relationship with God, I will start to love my parents, attend Mass, always read the Bible and put in my mind the sacrifice of Jesus in order to save and redeem us." by Leonard Lombre 

Grade 8B
Click here for Grade 8A photos.
Click here for Grade 8B photos.

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Saturday, January 14, 2017

SFAS Search-In Circles 21 - 23

Search-In is a once-in-a-lifetime retreat experience offered to 9th graders in St. Francis of Assisi School of Silay City. The 3-day week-end retreat is facilitated by alumni who underwent Search-In as well.

Circle 21 (September 9-11, 2016)

Circle 22 (September 30-October 2, 2016)

Circle 23 (November 25-27, 2016)