Wednesday, May 11, 2016

SFAS Faculty and Staff Summer Outing 2016

To end the school year in a happy note, the faculty and staff of St. Francis of Assisi School of Silay City went on a one-day escapade at the Campuestohan Highland Resort in Talisay City last April 15.

This outing held every after school year is being looked forward to by all as it is a time to bond with one another without discussing the school tasks at hand.  

"I enjoyed the new site "Shark Wave" where there was a big wave splashing the entire pool." by Mrs. May Santillan, Librarian

"It was a relaxing time for us and I enjoyed going around the resort." by Ms. April Suating, Guidance Counselor

"I thank SFAS for this time of the year when we are able to relax and chill from all the school works." by Lina Gabiño, Vice Principal and Teacher

For more photos, please click here.