Saturday, December 29, 2012

Paskong Pinoy in SFAS

SFAS Christmas Extravaganza 2012 was held on a Friday night, December 14, 2012.  The school was magically transformed into one merry Christmas town. The proceeds of the show and disco was for the benefit of the SFAS faculty and staff.

The show started with the lighting of the covered court and the Christmas trees designed by the different grade levels.  The winners of the Christmas Tree Making Contest were the following:  
Grades 5 and 6 received the 1st place and Most Authentic awards; 

Grades 8 and 10 received the 2nd place, Most Lighted and Most Punctual awards;  

Preschool, 3rd place; 

and Grades 7 and 9, the Most Unique Christmas tree award.

A showcase of performances featured the teachers, staff, students, parents and guest performers. Visitors were amazed with the first Christmas School I.D. (like a Station I.D.), a tribute of how Franciscans celebrate Christmas, which was made possible through the effort of the Juniors. 

Guest performers, Mr. Joey Benin (former Side A Member) and his wife, Bing Ledesma-Benin (daughter of school owner, Mr. Jack Ledesma) rendered awe-inspiring song numbers that received applause from the crowd.

Everyone enjoyed the show, a musical and variety program which came in full force in bringing more ambiance to the holiday season.  

The administration, faculty and staff are very thankful for supporting and letting  the time of sharing and loving possible to all in this most celebrated time of the year.

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Glimpse of the Future

The very first Seniors Immersion Program was held last November 23, 2012, under the Career Program of the school's Guidance office and through the partnership of the Hacienda Tinihaban and Hacienda Lonoy farms and SFAS.

Senior students were given the opportunity to observe in one day what it would be like to work as a farm laborer, mechanic, teacher, nurse, etc.  Some of the working assignments were based on the student's chosen course for college. 

Students who wanted to become teachers were assigned to some SFAS teachers. 

Inside the shop at Hacienda Lonoy were Seniors who wanted to take up Mechanical or Engineering courses. 

And others took part in being under the sun with some farmers in Hacienda Tinihaban sugarcane farm for the entire day. 

This Seniors Immersion Program aimed to open a window wherein the students of SFAS may get a glimpse of what it is like to work, very much different from being a student inside a classroom.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Search-In Circle 12 and 13

A challenge to live out the best in life, to make one's faith stronger and to provide an opportunity of knowing one's self, St. Francis of Assisi School offers yearly Search – In retreats among the Junior class. This is a three-day and two-night retreat held over the week-end in campus. 

Circle 12 had their retreat last October 26 - 28, 2012 and Circle 13 had it last November 16 -18, 2012.  Varied activities were given throughout the retreat that focused on self- appraisal, thinking about life, praying and knowing God better as well as knowing and bonding with their fellow retreatants. It was led by Sir JR Abello along with Ms. Yvette Jaranilla, the Junior's class adviser and the facilitators which composed of alumni and 4th year students who are Search – Inners themselves.

Kyle, Richelle, Althea, Clarice, Rorine, Aivic, Francis, Paul, Kurt, Niño, Cyrha, Joevin, Gleanne, Ken Rey, Eurilyn, Rysill, Christine, Rosalyn, Angelica and Keith

Claude Allan, Steven, Joshua, Cherry Belle, Pryle, Rosemarie, Harvey, Ivan, Justine, Miguel, Jake, Cyrine, Gieselle, Lara, Theresa, Bernadette, R-jay, Eden, Thalea and Rodelmar

Search-In in SFAS was started last 2007 when Ms. Micmic Golez, School Administrator (Circle 1 of St. Scholastica’s Academy- Bacolod) and Sir JR Abello, Vice Principal (Circle 49 of the University of St. La Salle- Bacolod) decided to bring this program to the school but thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit, amidst limitations especially with financial, it continues until now thru the collaborated efforts of everyone, e.g. students, parents, Search-In alumni and donors.