Thursday, September 27, 2012

Electronics 101

Whether it’s attending workshops and trainings or visiting historical spots, educational field trips have always been a part of the academic life of SFAS students.

Last September 19, 2012, the SFAS Seniors visited the Department of Engineering at the University of St. La Salle in Bacolod City. The Seniors got the chance to learn basic electronics.

Facilitated by some Engineering students, the Seniors were given the opportunity to engage in hands-on exercises in reading diodes. They also watched a demonstration on making foam cement. According to the class, they learned to read and analyze the uses of a multi-tester and know the advantages of using foam cement instead of the common hollow blocks.

A special thanks to the Engineering Department of USLS, particularly under Engineer Katrina Azcona, the Dean, and Coordinator Engineer Rico Pelor as this is the third year they have opened their doors to our students and shared not only their valuable time but their knowledge and resources.

Friday, September 14, 2012

30 Stars = 1 FREE Day

Among the challenges Franciscans engage in year in and year out is the race to reach 30 stars and get a “Free Design Day”—a day to enjoy different activities OUTSIDE of the classroom.  No class! 

Last September 7, 2012, the Grades 1, 2, 3 and 5 classes had their Free Design Day as a reward for reaching 30 stars.  The Grades 1 – 3 classes chose to spend their Free Day in campus, as students brought their toys, board games and gadgets to celebrate and enjoy the whole day.   

“YES! I really enjoyed because we played some games like PSP and snake-and-ladder. We also ate native foods.” (Dianne Marie Gabiño, Grade 3 student)

“We had so much fun in our Free Design Day because of the different games.  We also watched the movie, ‘Nanny Mc Phee.’“ (Ricky Vince Cobrado, Grade 2 student)

“We enjoyed playing basketball!” (Gabriel Bonostro, Grade 1 student)

Likewise, with their class adviser, Ms. Jenny Lou Leonor, the Grade 5 students had their Free Day at the St. Francis Subdivision Clubhouse and swimming pool in Silay City (see pictures above).
 “I enjoyed our Free Design Day because I did many things there. We took pictures and played games. We did a lot of things!” (Thea Alexandra Aguirre, Grade 5 student)

To reach 30 stars, classes need to have complete attendance every day.  If there are no late or absent students in a day, the class gets 1 star!  In some school contests, winning classes are also rewarded stars as well.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Proud to be Filipino!

Bringing to life the 2012 Buwan ng Wika theme, “Tatag ng Wikang Filipino,  Lakas ng Pagka-Pilipino” (The Stability of the Filipino Language:  The Strength of Filipinos), St. Francis of Assisi School of Silay City showcased a month-long celebration renewing the true spirit of the National Language.

Different contests were held throughout the month of August: vocal solo, “native-creative” dance and a folk dance to name a few.

A variety of Filipiniana (or native Filipino) costumes were worn every Monday, painting the school with Filipino flavors of pride and unity.

The wearing of national costumes--Maria Claras for girls and Barong Tagalogs for boys—highlighted the Culmination Day celebration last August 31.

The August 31 Culmination Day was a showcase of Filipino culture at its best—beautiful costumes, creative dances and chorale presentations, sumptuous Filipino delicacies cooked by parents in a cooking contest, national symbols presented by the pre-elementary students in a creative intermission number, and most importantly the SFAS community UNITED in celebrating our being FILIPINOS.