“Our bible sharing used to involve just the reading of a passage from the Bible followed by a bit of sharing or discussion right after.” recalls Mr. Jomar Eguid who is in his second year at SFAS and was one of the facilitators of the activity.
He and colleagues Mr. JR Abello and Mr. Leonard Guinabo decided to change the old system. Singing and dancing were added. It also involved video presentations and a more dynamic sharing of experiences.
“It was very organized and the facilitators did a good job.” said Mrs. Leda Ibugan, a teacher for eleven years. “They included singing as a form of praise and worship and the small group sharing allowed for a deeper reflection on our experiences.”
Ms. Dennissa Da-anoy, a new teacher for the pre-school department, gave it a two thumbs-up. “It’s an outlet for all the pressures that we have been facing since the opening of the school year. It was very unique and it had a hundred percent positive impact on all of us and to me personally.” said Ms. Da-anoy.
"Our purpose is to share the Word of God" shares Mr. Eguid. "SFAS is principally a Catholic school and our bible sharing has opened up new ways for all faiths to come together and share our experiences."
Ms. Jenny Lou Leonor, a new teacher for the elementary department, agrees. “It’s for the unity of the school. I’m a Born-Again Christian and I’m familiar and very comfortable with the style of last Friday’s bible sharing. Praise and worship is a way to invite the presence of the Lord, and I like how we’ve done that last week.”
“Busy as we are, it’s always good to set aside everything and commune with God once in a while. It’s important for the school that we get to know each other more, develop our spiritual life, and have some relaxation. It would be nice if the bible sharing happens twice a month.” adds Mrs. Lina Gabiño, a high school teacher.
“It was just an appetizer; a preview of the bible sharing’s new system. I am looking forward to attending next time.” said Mrs. Rose Iglesia, an elementary department teacher for nine years. “Although it involved just a light discussion, we were reminded of how important the bible sharing was for the growth of our faith.”