From the everyday classroom life of the first quarter of Academic Year 2010-2011, the 33 4th year students were looking forward to their visit to Technological University of the Philippines (TUP) and Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) last August 20 as part of the Guidance Career Orientation Program.

The first stop was at TUP with Ms. Thirza L. Ojas, the Guidance Counselor, accommodating us. A campus tour showcasing the Laboratory and Motor-Machine-Welding shops was the highlight, seeing the students doing the actual work from the theories learned.

CHMSC welcomed us with a colorful campus and a festive mood. It was their "Education Week" and a cultural show was on-going while the tour was facilitated by student assistants. The students were able to see the exhibit and a chance to see the 1st performance of the playground demonstration with two of SFAS alumni performing (Stephanie Sabare and Rogelyn Mueden).